Joint Venture Affiliates

JV Partner Opportunities

Let's Promote Each Other's Message!

We Suggest Several Options to Partner Together! Below Are Some Ideas...

The weekly podcast, twice-a-year summits, collaborate on a book, or be listed in our APP as an expert.

Visit the Podcast page for more information on the DBEA weekly podcast.

Visit our Summit page for more information on the twice annual summit.

Visit our Book Collaboration page for more on collaborating on a book.

Visit our APP Information page for more information on being listed on our APP directory as an expert.

All our Transformational Programs focus on inspiring people to live their dream life and overcoming obstacles by working on spiritual transformation, holistic health, & healthy living.

The APP contains content from Dr. Beverly Lawrence, content sourced online on a variety of holistic transformation topics, and content from experts we invite to contribute to our APP.

Click the HERE to book an appointment with Dr. Beverly to explore Joint Venture (JV) possibilities to market your message/business.

About Our Partners

A good JV partner for the DBEA Podcast or Summit is a Holistic Professional or Coach with a Transformational message and a desire to help humanity. This can be Spiritual Development, or Holistic Health related.

The DBEA Audiences

We have several audiences. Most are subscribed to our APP. We also have an active and growing email list, as well as thousands of followers on Social Media. Our speakers and audience are international.