JV Podcast Partners

Joint Venture Podcast Partners Information

This page details how to be a Podcast Speaker on the DBEA Podcast

Holistic Transformation Podcast

The Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy (DBEA) weekly podcast, Holistic Transformation, is prerecorded and released every Monday at 11 AM (MST-Arizona). Note: AZ does not have daylight savings, it is -7UTE year-round, so use a time converter to determine your time.
The podcast wll also be featured the the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy APP as well as its matching website.

YouTube Logo for DBEA Podcast

The target speakers are Holistic Professionals and Coaches who have a transformational message for our listeners. This can be in the area of spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical development or well-being.

The Podcast is prerecorded in advance. A header with your image and trailor are added to the video with leading and trailing music. It will also be featured in the DBEA APP, as well as on Social Media.

We suggest you offer a free gift to the listeners to encourage them to visit your link so you can add them as a subscriber to your list. The free gift and the website address will be repeated a couple of times for the audio listeners. Please create a simple link address (URL) for your gift to a landing page to make it easy for people to find it. Long, complicated links do not do well when spelling them out for the audio-only audience. Use bitly.com, special domain name like "yourgift.com", or another system to create a simple short link.

There is no compensation for being on the podcast as it is not monitized and the video/audio becomes the property of Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy, ADBO LLC, All Rights Reserved. That said, a copy of the video will be available to you upon request to use on your platform.

If you want to be on the podcast book in advance as we are typically booked 1-2 months out. It is great to do a podcast before a product launch and discuss it on the Podcast.

The podcast is intended to be informational or instructive to the audience and not a sales platform.

The Podcast Format is Interview-style and Organic

The Podcast process:

  • Dr. Beverly will introduce you and read your short, 1-2 sentence, bio.
  • If this is your first podcast with Dr. Beverly You will be asked to share your Transformational story which lead to what you do, why this is your passion, and how you help transform the people you help. If you decided to do another podcast later (like the following year) t can focus more on what you do and any product launches or changes in your practice.
  • You may submit questions you want Dr. Beverly to ask you or the talk can be completely organic in nature.
  • We want you to give the audience a takeaway, what will they get from listening to your podcast message, and what will they get when they work with you.
  • If you have a launch and/or a free gift you may also present that at the end. The talk should be 15-30 minutes.


Remember this is not a sales pitch but should be something informative that will be of interest to the audience.

How you will be marketed:

  • We will market the podcast to our DBEA APP subscribers, emai list, and on Social Media.
  • You will be sent an image and swipe copy for you to market to your audience via you email list and on any social media platforms you use.
  • We will add you to our DBEA APP podcast directory. You may also submit a link. The link may be an affiliate link (thank you), a free gift (we will need a description), or your website.


If we do not already know you, please first book a Joint Venture (JV) meeting to see if our target audiences and goals are in alignment. Use this link to book a call http://DancingBearCalendar.com

Next Steps

When you are ready to do a podcast, please do the following:


If you have a question for Dr. Beverly and need to talk (vs. email) then click this link to book her calendar.


About Our Partners

A good JV partner for the DBEA Podcast is a Holistic Professional or Coach with a Transformational message and a desire to help humanity. This can be Spiritual Development or Holistic Health related.

The DBEA Audiences

We have several audiences. Most are subscribed to our APP. We also have an active and growing email list, as well as thousands of followers on Social Media. Our speakers and audience are international.