OM for Success

Information and Registration for the OM for Success Program

OM for Success Blueprint to Raise Your Vibration

This Signature Program, OM for Success Blueprint to Boost Intuition: Overcoming Common Obstacles to Success, helps you to find your soul purposes to live in service-to-others. It is designed to facilitate the manifestation of your soul purpose, create your dream life, remove obstacles to your progress, as well as to raise your vibration to prepare you for our Master Holistic Medical Intuitive Mystic program.

For details about this program and the following Master class please visit our Dancing Bear Holistic Transformation website that is dedicated to these programs.




I really enjoyed this class. It was very well put together and laid out. Great instructions and homework assignments. I found it very experiential and challenging. I learned the importance of practicing daily meditation. Meditating daily to stay centered and focused and to build inner resilience. Many different kinds of meditation were taught and practiced. Many tools were taught for self-examination and personal growth. I really enjoyed and benefited from all the work we did with Angels and the Spiritual downloads we received. Very empowering. A great amount of information given on many different subjects, such as working with the elements. A lot of great stuff in a six-week class. Great class!
Jean C.


The most helpful part of the workshop for me was the exercise of writing one’s life story. As I was going through the years I realized I was doing the same thing over and over but with different people. I did not have a lot of confidence that I “knew” things especially if the subject was esoteric or about nutrition. I would tend to follow certain people whom I though were smarter and more “together” than I. I came to realize that I have a lot of talent and am very capable if I would just set my mind and focus on the subject. I now keep a diary of my thoughts and actions. I am more productive. I am better able to focus on the task at hand.
Paullene C.

Class Registration

We invite you to check out our program, just click HERE!